Trading Places: Shops and Trades in Helensburgh, Then and Now
by Patricia Drayton
Trading Places: Shops and Trades in Helensburgh, Then and Now
by Patricia Drayton
1979 Farewell to the Seventies
by Brian Averell
Helensburgh Past and Present
by Pat Drayton
Old Loch Lomondside
by P.J.G.Ransom
John Logie Baird: A Life
by Antony Kamm and Malcolm Baird
Bessie MacNicol: New Woman
by Ailsa Tanner
From Pilcher to the Planets
by Dugald Cameron, Roderick Galbraith & Douglas Thomson
TELEVISION and Me: The Memoirs of John Logie Baird
Edited by Malcolm Baird
By the Banks of Loch Lomond
by Stewart Noble
The Ingenious MR BELL
by Brian D.Osborne
PART of an historical account of the Helensburgh area first published in 1879 has been reproduced online by the website
The book, Annals of Garelochside — "being an account historical and topographical of the parishes of Row, Rosneath and Cardross" — was written by William Charles Maughan, who lived at Kilarden in Rosneath.
The History of Helensburgh
by John Ashworth
Helensburgh Golf Club — A celebration of the first 100 years
by Jim Stark and Douglas Lowe